Category Archives: Branding Self Service

The new Apple Stores show how compelling in-store can be

Apple is touting its newly redesigned Apple Stores, and they are indeed quite impressive. Conceding that the very nature of Apple’s stores (very limited inventory, complete control of key products, customers who walk in already willing to buy, etc.) makes them hard to compare with a Walmart, Target or Macy’s, they are demonstrating what an in-store experience can be like. Retailers would be well served to take note.


The product displays are trivially nicer, with deep wood colors, but what is striking is a 37-foot, high-resolution display (Apple Insider put the cost of the display alone at $1.5 million per store) that commands attention from passers-by to come into the store. It’s bold and bright and attention-demanding, which is a nice store-ization.