Weigh and Win Begins Fifth Year with 60,000 Participants and 66 Kiosk Locations throughout Colorado

By | March 19, 2015

DENVER, March 18, 2015 ­­– Weigh and Win launches its fifth successful year as Colorado’s premier digital health and wellness program. Since inception in 2011, the only free, community platform that pays participants to lose weight has seen great successes, enrolling 60,000 participants and partnering with 66 community kiosk hosts throughout Colorado. In total, Coloradans have shed 178,000 pounds and earned more than $300,000 in cash rewards. Weigh and Win is primarily funded by Kaiser Permanente.

Source: weighandwin.com

Last year alone, 15,000 Coloradans enrolled in the program and 13 new kiosks were installed across the state.