Good data on ROI for patients using patient portal and impact on payment.
1. Following patient portal adoption, healthcare practices experienced improvement in self-pay yield. Practices that increased portal use rates by 20 percent over 12 months experienced a 4.8 percent increase in self-pay yield.
2. Improvement in several financial metrics pre- and post-implementation was notable.
Average patient pay yield (8 percent improvement)
• Pre-implementation: 63.9 percent
• Post-implementation: 68.9 percent
Patient accounts receivable (16 percent improvement)
• Pre-implementation: 83 days
• Post-implementation: 70 days
Accounts sent to collections (21 percent improvement)
• Pre-implementation: 2.9 percent
• Post-implementation: 2.3 percent
3. Portals also increase patient loyalty. Patients with access to a portal are 13 times more likely to schedule a return visit. Over 18 months, practices that adopted portals had an 80 percent retention rate, compared to a 67 percent retention rate of practices without portals.